Banner production

HTML5 type banners, animated gifs and other banners

Couple of our lately produced banners examples

Various in size banner complex solution for lithuanian movie "Emilija iš Laisvės alėjos". Resolved with html5 type banners and animated gif formats. Animated flag.

Html5 banner

Format 250x350, Html5, video solution, sound, designed for Delfi platform.

Animated gif banner

Format 300x250, animated gif animation for Lithuanian movie cinemas.

Different sizing banners with complex solutions for different movies. Resolved with html5 type variants for portals and GDN network, video and animated gif formats.

Html5 banner

Format 300x250, Html5. News portal:

Video banner

Format 1080x1080, mp4. Facebook + Instagram. With audio.

Animated gif banner

Format 300x250, animated gif animation for Lithuanian movie theaters.

Solutions and regular weekly variants for GDN network, animated gif and html5 formats.

Html5 banner

Format 300x250, html5 GDN network. Discount FIAT 500.

Animated gif banner

Format 300x250, animated gif animation for GDN network. Weekly promotions for PC Gulbelė.

And many many more ...

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